health conditions

There are a number of medical conditions that may restrict scuba diving, including:

Mental health conditions

People with major depression, bipolar disorder, psychoses, or current drug or alcohol abuse should not dive. 

Heart conditions

Heart failure and cardiomyopathy are generally considered contraindications to diving. 

Respiratory conditions

People with asthma may be able to dive if they meet certain criteria. However, diving can be strenuous and requires a healthy respiratory system. 

Being overweight

People who are extremely overweight or out of condition should not dive. 

Other Health Conditions which you should avoid diving with : 

  • You have had any surgery, specially relating to sinuses or respiratory system within past 3 months
  • You are a blood pressure or sugar patient and have not taken your medicine today
  • You have a severe cold and blocked sinuses
  • You have had an ear surgery in the recent past (3 months)
  • You are pregnant(strictly avoid diving in this case)
  • You have used drugs or alcohol I the past 24 hours